Business and private Mediation
“The goal of a conflict or argument should not be victory, but progress.”
(Joseph Joubert)
I encourage all parties to the conflict to express their concerns and needs, to respect different perspectives and to look for a win-win solution with mutual agreement.
A decision by third parties, such as courts or superiors, which at least usually leaves one party unsatisfied, is avoided here.
In order to prevent conflicts, meditation can also have a positive influence on decision-making processes, for example when it comes to succession planning, team structuring or the realignment of companies.
Everyone knows what is happening at all times. As far as possible, all information is available to everyone involved. However, the parties themselves decide what everyone is allowed to know and what information remains with the parties in individual discussions.
The procedure is voluntary. Each party and the mediator are free to make their own decisions about the process.
Confidentiality is agreed. The parties and the mediator undertake not to use any information that becomes known during the process outside of the mediation process.
The parties are solely responsible for the arrangement they find.
An arrangement that will subsequently prove effective in reality can only be found by everyone involved if all facts relevant to the decision are presented in the mediation process.
The entire process requires the active participation of everyone involved. This is the only way to ensure that the end result is a regulation that can be supported by everyone.
The mediators are impartial. They are not involved in the conflict and are only interested in supporting those involved in their efforts to find a solution that is optimal for them.
Mediation does not prejudge results.
The regulation found can – and should – result in a written agreement. This can also be made legally binding.
Source: Practical short guide to business mediation (Dr. Thomas R. Henschel)